Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Saint-Malo Mini Maker Faire

I'll be at Saint-Malo on April 11th-12th. I'm not working full-time on MakeYour3DShape anymore, but I'll manage to create a new tutorial about workplanes for the event.

I plan to bring 2 computers for people to try and give me valuable feedback.

All makers, see you there !

website :
makers :

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Development paused

During the next months, I will not work a lot on MakeYour3DShape. I'm currently strengthen my PHP skills with Symfony. 

But, a lot of work have been accomplished from my very first line in javascript a bit more than 1 year ago. And I just wanted to publish here all my development screenshots : (terminal line: montage -geometry 300x200 -tile 5x *.png screens.jpg :) )

I'll be back soon. Happy new year to everyone ! Feel free to write comments, bugs, or feature requests !

Thursday, 11 December 2014

New tutorial about constraints

It's finally here ! Learn now how to use constraints and create smooth designs !
The next tutorial will cover the use of the workplane, how to move it and rotate it interactively.

And I did the kitty again, with an SVG this time:

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Contact box and color experiments

I have a lot of work to create the next tutorial. This will enable you to import a .svg file and then use the lines as constraints to draw around or fill inside. This is almost done, I hope I'll be able to publish it in 6 or 7 days. Previously I used the html5 canvas to draw in 2D, but it will be more user friendly to do everything in the 3D view. It's just more complicated for me.

I also had time to add two small features which will be on line soon. There is a contact box to report bugs, write comments or just to say thanks :). It's very basic, and it could be useful to attach some screenshot.

I was also considering changing the colour of the background, the grid, and this green to yellow to red gradient. The colours are hard-coded, but I will try to add a dialog so anyone can try to cutomize it.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

New tutorial about engraving

The first tutorial was about controlling the 3D view. The second was one about changing the brush thickness. But, you can also engrave, by subtracting matter. This can be especially useful for jewelry.
So here it is, the 3rd tutorial !

Try it now at !

Sunday, 16 November 2014

New UI and tutorials are online !

That's it, I've just released the new version with tutorials !

The other big change is that I've started to code on the server. This means that I've started to support several languages, I created user accounts, and finally the login is powered by Mozilla Persona so I don't have to store any password by myself.

This also means that now, only the tutorials are public, whereas you need to be logged in to use the full version.

With this server part, I plan to add user files hosting. This will replace the awkward download/openfile process. And who knows, maybe a user gallery, and file sharing !

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Developping Tutorial (2)

My new tutorial is to make people learn how to change the thickness of the brush. It will answer to "When you do it, it seems easy but we don't understand what's happening on the screen."
I have automatic triggers to go through tutorial steps, so the tutorial doesn't rely on the user to press a 'Next' button. I'm very happy with the result !

I need to polish these first tutorials, and then I will push them online !