I have a lot of work to create the next tutorial. This will enable you to import a .svg file and then use the lines as constraints to draw around or fill inside. This is almost done, I hope I'll be able to publish it in 6 or 7 days. Previously I used the html5 canvas to draw in 2D, but it will be more user friendly to do everything in the 3D view. It's just more complicated for me.
I also had time to add two small features which will be on line soon. There is a contact box to report bugs, write comments or just to say thanks :). It's very basic, and it could be useful to attach some screenshot.
I was also considering changing the colour of the background, the grid, and this green to yellow to red gradient. The colours are hard-coded, but I will try to add a dialog so anyone can try to cutomize it.
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